31st RD Republican Committee Meeting
31st RD Republican Committee Meeting
April 6th, 2022The monthly 31st RD Republican Committee (west Dover) meeting will be held at 6pm on April 6, 2022 at Vincenzo's Pizzeria and Gelato, Dover DE. Short business meeting and then meet the candidate: Julianne Murray running for Attorney General.
31st RD Republican Committee Meeting
April 12, 2023The 31st RD Republican Committee will have their monthly committee meeting on the second Wednesday of every month at Pizza Delight, Greentree Shopping Center, at 6:00 pm. All Republicans are welcome.
31st RD Republican Committee meeting
Every 2nd Wednesday of the monthThe 31st RD Republican Committee will be holding its monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 13th, at Pizza Delight, Greentree Shopping Center, at 6:00 PM. Special Guest will be Mark Garfinkel. Mark is a certified NRA instructor/trainer and will be discussing Delaware Gun Laws and their impact on our 2A Rights. He will also be discussing how to obtain a concealed carry permit from Maryland, New Jersey and Maryland. He is also a certified trainer for these three states mentioned above. All Republicans and persons interested in 2A gun rights and out of state weapon permits at welcome.