30th District Republican Meeting
30th District Republican Meeting
11/22 thru 11/29/21The 30th District Republicans will meet on Monday, November 29th, NOT ON DECEMBER 6TH AS ANNOUNCED AT THE COUNTY MEETING. We will meet at the Stargate Diner in Harrington at 6:30 pm. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove and those in the new northern area of the 30th are invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net or call (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338.
30th District Republican Meeting
4/25/2022The 30th Representative District Republicans will meet on Monday, April 25th, 6:30 pm., at Stargate Diner in Harrington on RT 13. Julie Murray, candidate for Attorney General will be our speaker. We will be discussing voter registration, fund raising, outreach and State Convention. All Republicans in the 30th district, which includes Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove areas and those who have been redistricted into the 30th are invited to attend. For information contact Lee Dean Chairman at (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338
30th District Republican Meeting
6/27/2022The 30th District Republicans will meet Monday, June 27th, 6:30 pm at the Stargate Diner in Harrington. Gene Thornton, candidate Recorder of Deeds will be our speaker. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove and those Republicans who were in the 11th 29th that have been redistricted into the 30th is invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at (302) 270-6786, (302) 398-4339 or lmd688@hughes.net.
30th District Republican Meeting
January 29, 2024The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, January 29th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Rudy's Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. We will begin laying out our plan the upcoming Presidential primary and the upcoming general election and fundraising. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net , (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338