30th District Republican Committee Meeting

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

Monday, October 25th, 2021
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet Monday, October 25th 6:30 pm at the Stargate Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and Willow Grove areas invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338.

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

January 31, 2022
The 30th District Republicans will meet on Monday, January 31st, 6:30 pm at the Stargate Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove and anyone Republicans now in the 30th due to the redistricting is invited to attend. We will have 2 speakers for the meeting, Chuck Welch, candidate for state attorney general and Erin Weinner, corrdinator for county HQ operations. We will also be discussing the Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/12/22. For more information contact Lee Dean, chairman at (302) 270-6786, (302) 398-4338 or lmd688@hughes.net.

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

2/7 thru 2/28/22
The 30th Representative District Republicans will meet on Monday, 28th, 6:30 pm., at Stargate Diner in Harrington on RT 13. We have two speakers scheduled. Mark Mcguire, candidate for the 6th Levy Court District will be our speaker. We be discussing voter registration, fundraising and outreach.All Republicans in the 30th district, which includes Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove areas and those who have been redistricted into the 30th are invited to attend. For information contact Lee Dean Chairman at (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

2/20 thru 2/28/2022
The 30th Representative District Republicans will meet on Monday, February 28th, 6:30 pm., at Stargate Diner in Harrington on RT 13. Mark Maguire, candidate for the 6 Levy Court District seat will be our speaker. We will be discussing voter registration, fund raising and outreach. All Republicans in the 30th district, which includes Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove areas and those who have been redistricted into the 30th are invited to attend. For information contact Lee Dean Chairman at (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

The 30th Representative District Republicans will meet on Monday, March 28th, 6:30 pm., at Stargate Diner in Harrington on RT 13. Mitch Denham, candidate for the 6 Levy Court District seat will be our speaker. We will be discussing voter registration, fund raising, outreach and State Convention. All Republicans in the 30th district, which includes Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove areas and those who have been redistricted into the 30th are invited to attend. For information contact Lee Dean Chairman at (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

The 30 District Republicans will meet July 25th, 6:30 pm at the Stargate Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the 30th District are invited to attend.
Our guest speaker will be Paul Hurtz, candidate for 6th district Levy Court Commissioner seat will be our guest speaker. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at (302) 270-6786, (302) 398-4338 or lmd688@hughes.net.

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

Monday, October 24, 2022
The 30th Republican Committee will meet on Monday, October, 24th 2022, 6:30 pm at Derby's Diner in Harrington. This is a special meeting night to give us more time to prepare for election day. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola, Willow Grove and anyone new to the 30th due to redistricting is welcome to attend.
We are going to need a lot of help election day. For more information contact Lee Dean, chairman at (302) 270-6786, (302) 398-4338 or lmd688@hughes.net.

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

January 30, 2023
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, January 30th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Derby's Diner in Harrington.
All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend.
This will be our biannual organizational meeting. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net, (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

April 24, 2023
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, April 24th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Derby's Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. This will be discussing stated convention and fund raising. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net , (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

May 22, 2023
Due to the Memorial Day Holiday,  the 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, May 22nd at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Derby's Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. Our speaker will be KCRC Chair, Cheryl Precourt. Items for the meeting will be the new state committee and fund raising. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net , (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

September 25, 2023
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, Sept 25th, 6:30 pm at Derby's in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. Guest Speaker will be Register of Wills, Gene Thornton. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at (302) 270-6786, (302) 398-4338 or lmd688@hughes.net.

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

February 26, 2024
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, February 26th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Rudy's Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net , (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

July 29, 2024
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, July 29th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Rudy's Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net , (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

June 24, 2024
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, 24th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Rudy's Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net , (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

April 29, 2024
The 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, April 29th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at Rudy's Diner in Harrington. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and expanded Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net , (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

The 30th District Republican Committee will meet 4/29/24, 6:30 pm at Rudy's Diner in Harrington Delaware. All Republicans in the Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and Willow Grove areas are invited. We will be discussing our joint fundraiser with the 33rd. For more information contact Lee Dean, Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net, (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338.

30th District Republican Committee Meeting

May 20, 2024
Due to the Memorial Day weekend the 30th District Republican Committee will meet on Monday, May 20th, 2024, 6:30 pm, at Rudy's Diner in Harrington. The main topic of discussion will be the Family Fun Day on June 23rd. All Republicans in Farmington, Felton, Harrington, Sandtown, Viola and Willow Grove areas are invited to attend. For more information contact Lee Dean Chairman at lmd688@hughes.net, (302) 270-6786 or (302) 398-4338