
The 34th Representative District covers the Camden, Wyoming, Magnolia, and South Dover areas and is currently represented by our own State Representative, Lyndon Yearick.


Chair: Patricia  "Trish" Rodriguez trishrodriguez@aol.com

Vice Chair: Denise Long

Secretary: Elaine Crowell

Treasurer: Bob Dworkowski

Current elected officials who live in the 34th District include:
  • State Representative Lyndon Yearick (34th Representative District)
  • State Senator Eric Buckson (16th Senate District)
  • Levy Court Commissioner Robert Scott (Kent County District 4)
34th Representative District Map    |    Facebook Page - 34th Republicans

34th Events


34th District Republican Committee Monthly Meeting
Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month. The next Meeting will be Thursday March 20th 2025 at the Kent County Republican Committee Headquarters Located at 2151 S. DuPont HWY | Dover, DE 19901 The Meeting will begi more...